Prof. Moshe Herzberg
Prof. Herzberg's research interests include interfacial processes of colloids and macromolecules with membranes that are commonly critical to develop state-of-the-art separation technologies required for water, energy and nutrients recovery, from different contaminated water and wastewater resources.
Herzberg’s current academic activities are focused on novel strategies and methodologies for mitigating membrane biofouling and fouling:
(i) microbial biofouling and organic fouling of pressure driven membranes (RO, NF, and UF);
(ii) aerobic and anaerobic MBR technologies (advanced sludge characterization and fouling control);
(iii) novel nano-plasmonic sensing technology for fundamental and applicative studies of membrane processes and fouling control.
Moshe Herzberg, Ph.D., Professor
Head of the Desalination and Water Treatment Department, Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Midreshet Ben-Gurion, 8499000, ISRAEL